Alfonso Rivera Ph.D.
Chair, IAH-Transboundary Aquifers Commission Alfonso Rivera is a physical hydrogeologist by formal training. He graduated from the Paris School of Mines, France, in 1990 with a Doctorate in Quantitative Hydrogeology.
About this speaker
Alfonso Rivera specializes in groundwater modeling, coupled hydro-mechanical and solute transport processes, groundwater exploration, and water resources management. He became the Chief Hydrogeologist of the Geological Survey of Canada in 1999 and retired in 2020. Alfonso had an impactful career in the global hydrogeological field and worked in several countries including France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain before moving to Canada. He became the first chairman of the National Ad-Hoc Committee on Groundwater in Canada from 2000-2003, and was awarded an adjunct professorship at INRS-ETE Université du Québec. Alfonso joined the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada in 2003 where he created and managed the national groundwater program until 2012.
Further achievements and honors include the Earth Sciences Sector Merit Award for his publication of the book Canada’s Groundwater Resources; the Recognition of Lifetime Achievement in Hydrogeology issued by the IAH Canadian Chapter; and the Career Achievement Award issued by the Canadian Department of Natural Resources which is one of the highest awards in all federal Ministries and recognizes his 21 years of service and scientific research with the Geological Service of Canada.
Since his retirement, Alfonso has been serving as the Chair of the IAH-Transboundary Aquifers Commission and working with the Groundwater Project. The mission of the renewed IAH Commission on Transboundary Aquifers is to give scientifically-focused attention to transboundary aquifers, as well as to foster an environment of shared aquifer management strategies that know no political boundaries.