Darlene Suddard

Challenges of Water Loss, Inflow and Infiltration

A Talk by Darlene Suddard (Principal Consultant, Municipal Water Solutions Inc.)

About this Talk

The City of Port Colborne has been battling water loss for over 10 years, reducing their percentage of unbilled, unaccounted for water by over 10% in five years. However, the City still has a long way to go...as unbilled, unaccounted for water remains extremely high.

This presentation will provide an overview of the City's challenges over the years, along with the various strategies employed in tackling water loss. Darlene will highlight their key success factors over the past 6 years and what's planned in the near future.

High water loss not only negatively impacts the City's water bill from the Region, but also impacts their wastewater bill - due to inflow and infiltration into the wastewater collection system.

The City's strategies for addressing these challenges will be presented, and in consideration of the community's growth (i.e. potential double population growth forecast over next 10 years) - these are critical to address.

23 February 2023, 03:15 PM

03:15 PM - 03:44 PM

About The Speakers

Darlene Suddard

Darlene Suddard

Principal Consultant, Municipal Water Solutions Inc.

A management systems, compliance and risk management professional with over 25 years' experience in management systems, environmental compliance, and 14 years in water / wastewater.