Cyber Security in Water Operations: Canadian Perspectives in 2024 and Beyond
A Talk by Mark Fabro (President and Chief Security Scientist, Lofty Perch)
About this Talk
Why This Conversation is Important:
- Rapid growth specific to utility ICS/OT cyber security on a GLOBAL scale
- Canadian water utilities are managing marketing, consumer immaturity and FUD
- MOST utilities understand the need for ICS-specific and have evolved to know (1) what RISK problem they are trying to solve or (2) how to navigate through an over-saturated solution/technology market
Current status:
- Utilities are learning, investing, collaborating
- Utilities are assigning reasonable budgets to make informed choices for a balance approach
- Past lessons learned are being leveraged
We are leading trends in understanding realistic requirements instead of letting external forces dictate what we should be doing.