Mark Fabro

Cyber Security in Water Operations: Canadian Perspectives in 2024 and Beyond

A Talk by Mark Fabro (President and Chief Security Scientist, Lofty Perch)

About this Talk

Why This Conversation is Important:

  • Rapid growth specific to utility ICS/OT cyber security on a GLOBAL scale
  • Canadian water utilities are managing marketing, consumer immaturity and FUD
  • MOST utilities understand the need for ICS-specific and have evolved to know (1) what RISK problem they are trying to solve or (2) how to navigate through an over-saturated solution/technology market

Current status:

  • Utilities are learning, investing, collaborating
  • Utilities are assigning reasonable budgets to make informed choices for a balance approach
  • Past lessons learned are being leveraged

We are leading trends in understanding realistic requirements instead of letting external forces dictate what we should be doing.

28 February 2024, 04:00 PM

04:00 PM - 04:29 PM

About The Speakers

Mark Fabro

Mark Fabro

President and Chief Security Scientist, Lofty Perch

Recently, for his work in critical infrastructure protection, he was recognized as one of the "25 Most Influential Consultants in the World" and named "Information Security Professional of the Year" by SC Magazine.