Bruce Taylor

A Case for Efficient Operations

A Talk by Bruce Taylor (President, Enviro-Stewards Inc.)

About this Talk

Many challenges experienced by water & wastewater operators can be avoided or reduced through prevention-based collaborations with consumers and wastewater generators.

Enviro-Stewards work with regional water conservation programs typically reduces the amount of water required by industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) facilities by about one third.

By integrating pollution prevention (P2) into compliance agreements, facilities can implement practical affordable measures to secure effluent compliance (rather then tirelessly pushing back on expensive end-of-pipe solutions). And by integrating one water concepts, stormwater infrastructure can more practically adapt to climate change.

Through case studies, during this workshop participants will learn: • Enviro-Stewards’ holistic water, energy & product conservation approach • The role of water conservation on effluent compliance • The role of pollution prevention in effluent compliance • The role of blue rooves and rainwater harvesting technologies to mitigate climate change

31 March 2021, 04:00 PM

04:00 PM - 04:29 PM

About The Speakers

Bruce Taylor

Bruce Taylor

President, Enviro-Stewards Inc.

Bruce graduated from U of W in chemical engineering, is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and was selected as the top sustainability consultant in Canada (Clean 16) for 2022.